LaTurner Votes No on Advancing $4.5 Trillion of Government Spending

Press Release

Date: Aug. 24, 2021
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Jake LaTurner issued the following statement regarding the vote on advancing $4.5 trillion of government spending:

"I just voted NO on advancing over $4.5 trillion of government spending proposed by the Democrats.

The $3.5 trillion spending bill, drafted by Bernie Sanders, proposes $68 trillion in total spending over the next decade--the highest sustained federal spending level in American history. At a time when our national debt is approaching $29 trillion and rampant inflation is causing the price of consumer goods to soar, Democrats continue to put their left-wing priorities ahead of hard-working Kansans. This legislation would impose a multi-trillion dollar tax hike on middle-class families, including Kansas family farms, small businesses, and energy producers. As the crisis in Afghanistan rages on with no solutions from the administration in sight, Democrats want to spend billions on electric vehicles and single-payer healthcare while slashing funding for our troops to the lowest levels in 80 years and providing no increased funding to secure our southern border.

The infrastructure bill is no better. This piece of legislation has a price tag of $1.2 trillion and only spends 6% on roads, bridges, and highways. Instead of reducing burdensome regulations, this bill would make it more difficult for much-needed infrastructure projects in Kansas to move through the federal bureaucracy and red tape. Most importantly, this bill is not paid for despite what Democrats want you to believe. According to the Congressional Budget Office, roughly $400 billion of the bill is still not paid for. Our county is in desperate need of true infrastructure reform, but this bill is not the answer.

The bottom line is that our country faces multiple crises from all angles, but throwing more money at the problem will not lead to solutions. It's reckless, irresponsible, and a raw deal for Kansas taxpayers."
